Johanna Vargas

Artist | Soprano | Performer | Movement & Improvisation

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John Cage.

John Cage.

The longest music piece in the world is being performed in the city of Halberstadt in Germany: John Cage's composition for organ ORGAN2/ASLSP - As SLow aS Possible - is resounding here in an extreme interpretation of 639 years, that means until the year 2640! Halberstadt is a town (43,800 inhabitants in 2015) in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, and the capital of the district of Harz.

The performance began on 5 September 2001, the 89th birthday of the avant-garde composer and artist John Cage, with a seventeen month-long pause before the first tone of the organ, especially built for the performance of this piece, was to be heard. What at first seemed to be only an utopian idea developed very quickly into an impressive and innovative art project generating a widespread interest. The Halberstadt Cage concert, which fascinates people all over the world, is being accompanied by many additional events and has proved to be a point of attraction wholly in the open spirit of John Cage. Aside from tone changes as determined by the organ piece, further events are taking place in the course of the organ project.


10:00 Uhr Einlass am Hoftor
11:30 - 12:30 Uhr Kleines Infoprogramm auf der Bühne vor der Kirche
13:00 - 14:00 Uhr Pressekonferenz
ab ca. 14:15 Uhr Einlass mit Spenderticket in die Kirche
14:00 Uhr - 14:30 Uhr Vorabinformationen und Einleitung zum Klangwechsel  
ab jetzt erfolgt die mediale Übertragung nach außen
ab 15:00 Uhr Klangwechsel, Organisten des Klangwechsels:
Julian Lemke, Organist
Johanna Vargas, Sängerin und Magdalena Cerezo, Pianistin. (LAB51)
ab 16:30 Uhr Die Kirche wird gruppenweise für Besucher geöffnet, die den Klangwechsel und den neuen Klang bisher nur außerhalb der Kirche erleben konnten.
ab 16:45 Uhr Besucher mit reserviertem Ticket können 
in kleinen Gruppen die Ausstellungen im Cage-Haus besuchen.

Later Event: September 9
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